Energy profiler

Critical energy decisions become manageable when you have the right information. Our Energy Profiler program converts energy data into money-saving information. It monitors your electricity consumption and converts it into easy to understand charts and graphs.

Once you enroll, your daily meter reads will be posted to a secure website. Multiple meters are no problem. You pay a setup fee and a small monthly fee for the service.

Already signed up? Login now or download the user guide.


Energy Profiler can help you:

  • Track your energy costs.
  • Find energy issues that may be wasting money.
  • Manage monthly demand charges.
  • Measure effectiveness of your energy efficiency projects.

Energy Profiler Brochure

Preview the program

Take a look at Energy Profiler’s capabilities with our demo version. 

View the demo

Program requirements and costs

An interval meter and a dedicated, data-quality analog telephone line are required to participate.

Typical costs are:

  • Set up fee: $260
  • Monthly charge: $32
  • Interval meter (upgrade fee): $1,000 (if necessary)
  • Cell package unit (in addition to interval meter): $1,500
  • Monthly charge with meter cell package: $40

Set up and meter charges are billed after the meter is installed.

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