Renewable energy support thrives in Salt Lake City

A local spotlight on Blue Sky business partners and community projects

Communities who come together to support renewable energy embody the mission of Blue Sky and its participants who want to create a healthier environment. In Salt Lake City, Utah, a range of businesses have joined Blue Sky, and meaningful grants for solar panels have been awarded to local organizations thanks to Blue Sky participants.

In this issue of Forecast, we’re highlighting two organizations that are part of Blue Sky business partners and have shown their dedication to the environment by installing community solar projects:

  • Incorporated in 1977, NeighborWorks® Salt Lake’s mission is to build on the strengths of neighborhoods, creating opportunities through housing, resident leadership, and youth and economic development. Its 6.24-kilowatt solar project features 24 solar panels mounted on the roof of its headquarters.
  • Founded in 1989, the Wasatch Community Gardens have provided children and adults with access to land and education for growing and eating fresh produce, while building and nurturing community connections. The 85-module solar array was installed in 2021 and was designed to help visitors learn about technology that was used to contribute to the building becoming net zero.

Thank you to these organizations for their support of Blue Sky and the environment! And, the goodwill in Salt Lake City continues with grants for renewable energy projects to a range of organizations making an impact.