Reduce, reuse, recycle at home

Action tips from fellow Blue Sky participants

We know the Blue Sky community goes above and beyond for the environment. That’s why we ask participants each year to share their sustainability tips – we hope you can use a few in your own home!

[I installed] a rain barrel in my backyard. I also acquired a discarded tumbler composter from my neighbors!
- Julie from Park City, Utah

Recycle, use reusable grocery bags when going to the store, try to stop using single use plastics.
- Paige from Ogden, Utah

I have reduced the amount of bottled water used in my home, I use filters on the kitchen sink and keep fresh water using filters in the fridge.
- Linda from Riverton, Utah

No impact is too small! Thanks to Blue Sky participants for sharing their tips with the rest of our community.

Have a tip you want to share? Click here to submit yours. Your tip could be featured in future newsletters!