An easement is a grant of permission by a landowner that provides a legal right for Rocky Mountain Power to install electrical facilities, to access those facilities and to maintain and upgrade those facilities in the future.
We have developed the guide below for a better understanding of easements and how to go about getting one.
Easements: A guide for property owners
Electricity powers our world through a complex and carefully engineered network of transmission and distribution lines that carry electricity to homes and businesses. Rocky Mountain Power acquires easements to ensure that it has the legal right to
maintain its power lines and the integrity of the system.
The easement rights obtained are for the safety of the public, Rocky Mountain Power personnel and protection of Rocky Mountain Power’s valuable facilities and equipment. Violations of the easement may indicate a violation of the National Safety Electric Code.
Landowners may use their property encumbered by a power line easement for any purpose, provided that the use does not interfere with the easement rights. In order to ensure your proposed use is acceptable around power lines, please complete an application. In addition, be sure to include a detailed drawing of your proposed use. This should include all dimensions of the proposed use and measurements from Pacific Power’s structures.
Rocky Mountain Power will use this information to conduct a safety review, so please include as much detail as possible. If you have questions about completing the application, please contact Rocky Mountain Power at 1-888-221-7070 and request to speak with the rights of way department.
Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for review. Rocky Mountain Power will notify you as to whether your proposed use is compatible with its easement.
See more Right of Way information including a brochure and application for proposed use of Rocky Mountain Power Right of Way.