Protect your home

Safety begins at home. You can take steps now to prepare for emergencies, reduce the impact of wildfire and safeguard your home and family.

Here's what you can do

STEP ONE: Create a defensible space

Just as we’re clearing vegetation away from power lines, it’s important for you to create a defensible space around your property.

ZONE 1: The 30-foot area closest to your home should contain only low-growing plants such as annual flowers, succulents and well-tended lawns, providing less fuel for a potential wildfire.

ZONE 2: Between 30 and 100 feet from your home, stick to well-spaced trees and shrubs, and islands of vegetables surrounded by noncombustible materials.

ZONE 3: Beyond 100 feet, reduce fire fuel by thinning and pruning trees and other vegetation.

STEP TWO: Update your emergency plan and supplies

Is your family ready for an emergency? With a simple plan and the right supplies, you’ll be able to act with confidence.

Here are a few of the essentials:

  • Make sure you have a two week supply of shelf-stable food and water for all of the people and pets in your home.
  • Gather a backup supply of essential medicine.
  • Create an emergency kit with flashlights, fresh batteries, solar phone chargers, first aid, essential phone numbers and cash.
  • Designate an emergency meeting location.
  • Learn how to manually open your garage door.

See our Wildfire Safety Checklist, or use this Preparing for a Power Outage guide prepared by FEMA to help. 

STEP THREE: Update your contact information with Rocky Mountain Power

In the event of an emergency, we will use all available options to keep you informed, including radio and social media announcements and by reaching out to you directly by phone, text and email.  

More preparedness resources

Generator safety

Find out more about generators and how to use them safely.

Ways to prepare

It's important to be prepared in case of an outage and there are simple actions you can take right now.