As part of the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act (NW Power Act), the Residential Exchange Program (REP) was created to provide residential, small farm and irrigation/pumping customers of Pacific Northwest utilities a form of access to low-cost federal power.
BPA developed the Customer Load Eligibility Guidelines (CLEG) to provide guidance to REP participating utilities in determining whether residential, farm, and irrigation/pumping loads are eligible for REP benefits under the NW Power Act. Specifically, the CLEG provides guidance to utilities regarding a variety of issues related to eligible and ineligible retail customers under the REP. The CLEG is intended to be used as guidelines only, and may be revised or cancelled by BPA at any time. If Rocky Mountain Power cannot confirm a customer’s eligibility to BPA’s satisfaction, the customer will not be eligible for the REP benefits.
If you qualify for the BPA REP credit, please print/complete the applicable certificate, and return to:
BPA Certification
Rocky Mountain Power
P. O. Box 25308
Salt Lake City, UT 84125-9925
Please call us toll free at 1-800-715-9238, Monday through Saturday, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. if you have questions about the BPA Columbia River Residential Exchange Program.